Integrative Cancer Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt

Integrative Cancer Therapies with Dr. Thomas Lodi

Episode Summary

Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions we are joined by Doctor Thomas Lodi. Dr. Lodi has been practising medicine since for over 30 years. Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Lodi practised as a clinical psychologist during which time he was director of psychological services for a 240 bed in a patient facility in Hawaii. After graduating from the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine in 1985 Dr. Lodi served as a visiting Clinical Fellow at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City where he also underwent training in Internal Medicine. From 1991 to 1996, Dr. Lodi was appointed as Clinical Instructor of Medicine at the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine. For the first ten years of his medical career, Dr. Thomas Lodi worked in conventional settings as an internal medicine specialist, urgent care physician, and as an intensivist in ICU and CCU departments of various hospitals. Subsequently, Dr. Lodi continued his search for more effective and less toxic therapies by training around the world from Japan to Europe to Mexico and all around the US. Although he occasionally sees patients with a variety of medical conditions, Dr. Lodi, has narrowed his scope of practise through specific training and extensive experience over the past 15 years to Integrative Oncology (caring for people with cancer). Dr. Thomas Lodi maintains memberships in both conventional and alternative medical professional associations in order to remain current in all areas of oncology for the benefit of his patients. He is licensed as a Homeopathic Medical Doctor MD(H) in the State of Arizona and is licensed as an Allopathic Medical Doctor (MD) in the state of New York. Dr. Lodi has completed a Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapies and a Fellowship in Anti-Aging, Regenerative & Functional Medicine. Dr. Lodi sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for Immunogenic Research Foundation (IMREF), the Medical Advisory Board for Elka Best Foundation, and is an active allied member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Dr. Lodi is also an instructor in Sugar-Lowering Hormone Potentiation Therapy and certified in oxidative and chelation therapies. You do not want to miss this episode as I talk with Dr. Lodi!

Episode Notes

Cancer is probably one of the most dreadful words in the dictionary. Yet almost 50 % of us have been or will be faced with the diagnosis. Suddenly you are faced with sifting through a mountain of information to figure out how to survive this dreadful disease for the sake of yourself, your children and grandchildren. Many have decided against the orthodox treatment as the only option, because you’ve seen friends and family members who contracted cancer and followed their doctor’s recommendations, only to die within a year or two suffering the devastating effects of chemo and supposedly pinpointed radiation.
Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit